Article from Die Gfänner, January, 2013
I want to thank Quartierverein Gfenn for the article and for the wonderful idea expressed at the end that people in Gfenn form a group to translate the novel so people who would actually be interested in it could read it! To that end, I'll study harder. For my English speaking friends, here's the translation and the article:
"Do you know Martha Ann Kennedy? Now, fascinated by the history of Switzerland and in particular that of the Lazarite, at San Diego State University instructive ended U.S. citizen is the author of Martin of Dübendorf.
The 13th-Resettled century historical novel tells the story of the foundling Martin, who grows up in a convent, and there learned the Zurich painting. Early on, he contracted leprosy, but it can before it forces them to take in, which serves as home for lepers Lzariterkloster refuge in Zurich as an artist to earn his bread. The imminent death before his eyes, he is devoting all his waning powers to create the ornamental church murals.
Martha Kennedy was supported in her research for the work of the historian Rainer Hugener. Accordingly, the novel on many details that reflect the reality at that time most exactly and provide an insight into the living conditions at the time. This is certainly interesting especially for Gfennerinnen and Gfenner.
Unfortunately, the book is so far available only in English and only in the online bookstore. Of course, the author wishes that the book one day in a German translation appears and rests in Swiss bookshop, but the moment is still the future.
Perhaps forms themselves a Gfenner translation group to train the novel one greater audience."
Amerikanerin Verliebte Sich in Lazariterkirche
"American Falls in Love with the Lazarite Church"
Martha Kennedy vor der Lazariterkirche im Gfenn: Die Fakten über das Leben in und um Zürich im 13. Jahrhundert hat sie in zeitintensiver Suche recherchiert. (Bild: zvg)
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Die US-Autorin Martha Kennedy ist fasziniert von der Gfenner Lazariterkirche, die sie während eines Besuchs in Dübendorf entdeckte. Als sie das Bauwerk das erste Mal betrat, sah sie den Stoff für eine Erzählung förmlich vor sich ausgebreitet. Derart inspiriert, legt Kennedy nun ihren Roman «Martin of Gfenn» vor. Dieser handelt vom leprakranken Künstler Martin, der, dem Sterben nahe, an den Wandmalereien arbeitet, die heute das Kircheninnere zieren. Um den historischen Rahmen der fiktiven Handlung exakt schildern zu können, liess sich Kennedy von einem lokalen Historiker beraten.
Lesen Sie mehr dazu im ZO/AvU vom Samstag, 12. Januar.
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